Why you should volunteer

Americans today would argue that they don’t have enough time or money to dedicate to volunteerism. According to an article from Standford Center on Longevity, about half of Americans state this is the main reason that they don’t volunteer. They also argue that they do not have the energy to volunteer. The article also states how those who are retired and have more time don’t volunteer as much as those between the ages of 35 to 44.

I believe that volunteering does not require a ton of energy or time. Volunteer work gives the freedom for the individual to commit as much or as little time as they want. An article on HelpGuide.org, suggests that there are several benefits to volunteering. I feel that time and energy are small prices to pay for the benefits that are reaped from volunteering. I personally have volunteered at the local animal shelter. I would volunteer an hour a day after work to walk dogs and socialize with the cats. What I felt was a sense of belonging and community. I would clock in, put on my apron and go about doing whatever I chose to do in the animal shelter that brought me the most happiness. Socializing with the cats and sweeping their little room gave me a sense of love and pride.

The mental health benefits that come with volunteer work should alone convince you to investigate volunteering. An article from Psychology Today describes how volunteers actually live longer and are healthier. The article said that volunteer work is actually more effective than exercising for a healthy life. Volunteering also gives you a sense of purpose. The article said that volunteering allows you to choose what you want to do despite being paid for it. This allows people to choose things that they feel strongly about. When people associate their values with the volunteer work they choose to do, it gives them a sense of true purpose and a desire to do more.

Photo by Elissa Garcia on Unsplash

Aside from time, volunteering is unappealing to some because it is unpaid work. One could argue that they would rather spend time making actual money to pay bills. However, the same article from Psychology Today stated that volunteering allows a person to make connections and could even allow you to advance in your career. The article said that people who volunteer make more money because of the connections they make that can be used for financial gain. In that sense, time spent volunteering is a way of investing free time for future money. According to the Stanford Center on Longevity, workplaces can also guide you to volunteer opportunities. Taking that initiative at work to volunteer your time will give you that cutting edge against others.

I urge you to look into your favorite interests in your community. Volunteer work has many different avenues, from city events like a fair to literally petting animals at an animal shelter. Volunteer work gives the freedom for you to do as much or as little as you want. The rewards are endless. Volunteering could become your new way of social networking in reality, as opposed to scrolling on that screen.

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